Carriers and Costumes: A hope&plum Halloween Sequel
It’s no secret that hope&plum loves Halloween. We think there’s no better time to get the whole family’s creative juices flowing. And when you have a baby, toddler, or little kid who loves to be worn in the family, you have to incorporate your carrier in some way! Whether your whole family follows a theme or you’re just looking for a creative way to carry your baby in costume, hope&plum has got you covered with our plethora of community contributed costume ideas over the years.
Table of Contents
Using the Carrier Colors
A great place to start is to take a look at the carriers you have and see if any of the colors or patterns inspire a costume idea.
These two caregivers drew inspiration from their colorful carriers. One wearer dressed in shades of brown to match her Barley ring sling and donned a crown of leaves. Her baby transformed into a snail, snug in the carrier, with their shell on the outside of the sling. The other opted to dress as a snail to match her toddler while her baby sleeps soundly as a banana slug in her bright yellow Amber meh dai.
Keep out of the water! Shark sighting! These two caregivers became the deep blue sea for their baby sharks, but both chose different carrier colors. One uses a Fin ring sling (see what they did there?) to wear their yellow shark while the other chose a blue sling to keep with the water vibe for their little fish.
These two caregivers trekked deep into the forest to find some costume carrier inspiration. One captures the iconic toadstool with a red hat with white polka dots and white dresses. In a burnt orange Clay ring sling, she and her baby match the changing Autumn leaves. The other forms a hunting party with the cutest little camo wearer in a green Saguaro sling carrier.
This caregiver used her inspiration to travel out of this world. She matches her purple Orchid ring sling to a purple wig, dons metallic lipstick, and provides some alien antennae to her toddler snuggled up against her in their carrier.
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Perfect Pairs
Some of our caregiver/baby carrier combos find inspiration in famous friends, nature's pairs, and iconic duos from rhymes and art.

These two caregivers cracked open their fantasy novels for costume carrier inspiration. The first dressed as wizarding student from Hogwarts using a ring sling to snuggle up to their very own snowy owl. The other found her inner storybook heroine and chameleon buddy. To capture Rapunzel and her clingy companion Pascal, she used a ring sling in a back carry.
The natural world inspired these two caregivers and their babies to transform their carriers into costumes. The first is a flower wearing a baby bee, complete with wings on the outside of their sling. The other transformed herself and her baby into birds complete with a brown sling tree and some branches with fall leaves.
From nursery rhymes to surrealist art, these two caregivers' carrier costumes recalled iconic pairs. First is Little Bo Peep and her (unlost!) sheep, kept from wandering in a white ring sling. Then we have a reinterpretation of The Two Fridas this time with mother and daughter both dress as the famous Mexican painter and kept together with a striking yellow ring sling.
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Group Costumes
One of the best parts of babywearing is how a carrier allows your littlest addition to fit right in with the rest of the family. What's the best way to add a baby into Halloween traditions? A group costume, of course. Our winner from last year unlocked this secret, and you can too!
2023's winning family transformed into a pair of chefs and their little lobsters. A gray ring sling is transformed into the pot containing one lobster.
This family is serving up sweetness dressed as a s'more. The adults are the graham crackers, sandwiching a toddler dressed as chocolate and a baby in a white sling as a marshmallow. They bring to mind cozy campfires and Autumn evening carrier snuggles.

This family captures woodland whimsy with their group carrier costume. The oldest child is the lone butterfly with three accompanying mushrooms. A Frolic ring sling completes the costume.
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Carriers and costumes go together hand in hand.
Some people draw inspiration from the color of their carriers.
Others look to fantasy and history for ideas.
Still others come up with a fun group costume idea and incorporate carriers in creative ways.
Costume Contest 2024
We're so excited to see what our community comes up with this year! Will you draw inspiration from these suggestions and our carriers to help make your Halloween costume visions a reality? Or do you already have a fantastic idea and this article pushed you to involve babywearing? However you come up with your Halloween theme, be sure to enter our contest by tagging your photos with #hopeandplumhalloween
Need more inspo?
Check out our original Halloween blog post below!