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Community Carrier Resolutions for a New Year with hope&plum

Even though it’s the end of January, our hope&plum community is still hard at work on keeping to their 2025 Carrier Resolutions. And we’re here to keep them on track! See if you can find any resolution inspiration from our community featured below.

Practice Makes Perfect

Many of our community members want to improve their skills with carriers they already have. They know that the only way to get better is to practice, practice, practice:

  • “I want to use my sling rings at least once daily so that we get super comfortable in them! 😁” - Vania Farmar

  • “Master the ring sling!” - Katie Leos

  • “Practice more with my meh dai (having a hard time getting the slack out)...” - Kaitlin Lebbad Keating

  • “Master the ring sling and meh dai! And get my husband baby wearing more frequently” - Elizabeth Gallo-Cappello

  • “Start babywearing out of the house more for errands…[and] get more confident so that going places with a toddler and a newborn isn’t as daunting. Super excited to get to start using our larks more soon since my newborn will be big enough before long!” - Makaylin Knotts

  • “I'd like to use our ring slings more.” - Angeline Flores

  • “Babywear at least once everyday ❤️” - Erin Annita Pratt

  • “Master the ring sling!!” - Gunjan Udeshi

  • “I would…like to figure out how to redirect biting in back carries & teach my boubou how to put their own hat back on reliably since i can't do it when they are on my back!” - Hannah Harris-Sutro

  • “Get faster with the sling!” - Dana Fachner Tyler

Back It Up

Others want to unlock a new skill: the sometimes intimidating, but always worth-the-effort back carry:

  • “I'm looking forward to back carrying more, both with my new lark and learning how to use my woven wrap more.” - Marta Rose

  • “I always reach for my lark for back carries (and it will probably still be the default / easy option) but I’d love to master a back carry in my meh dai and woven wrap!” - Meg Brennan

  • “Get comfy back carrying in both my meh dai and lark!” - Sarah Marie

  • “...Do more back carries in meh dai and lark.” - Kaitlin Lebbad Keating

  • “Learn to do a back carry in a ring sling to avoid pressure on my growing baby bump” - Madeline Connor

  • “Try back carrying in the Lark” - Shaina Lynn

  • “Excited to start back carrying in my meh dai and learning fancy finishes since baby will be ready for that” - Katie Elizabeth

Please Mr. Postman, Bring Me My Carrier

Still others resolve to add a new carrier to their collection. And, of course, to learn some new skills too:

  • “Save up for a lark so I can tandem wear my toddler and my new baby when she arrives” - Madeline Connor

  • “...Add a meh dai to our home 💜” - Angeline Flores

Beyond hope&plum

We love our hope&plum community, and we’re committed to showcasing how our members shine even in different types of carriers:

  • “Not h&p, but now that ring slings are working (thanks to h&p,) my next project is getting fast enough with a shortie that I can get my 16 m/o up into a safe ruck easily!” - Hannah Harris-Sutro

  • “Build up my onbuhimo shoulder strength!” - Anna Post

Here to Offer Encouragement & Support

Whatever your resolutions, the hope&plum team offers you encouragement and support. While you’re trying new hope&plum carriers for the first time or unlocking a new skill in an old favorite, our educator team is here to help you with free fit checks!

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A cartoon of a brown-skinned woman wearing a child on her front in a ring sling. A gradient of blue circles is behind her with hearts rising  from her and her baby's faces.

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A Black woman stands in a clearing in the woods. She looks serenely down at her baby held in a floral ring sling

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